wavy hair- more contol, less frizzy, can go either straight or curly with the right products, usually thicker and longer hair goes wavy than curly, natural looking and has lots of body.
curly hair- harder to manage, hard to staighten, has a mind of its own, ringlets, more bounce and springy needs more condtioner
What's the difference between wavy hair and curly hair? Don't they look very similar to each other?
wavy hair is less curly then curly hair, but yes they doo look a lil similiar
What's the difference between wavy hair and curly hair? Don't they look very similar to each other?
Think of wavy as an "S" and curly like a ringlet.
What's the difference between wavy hair and curly hair? Don't they look very similar to each other?
I don't think they see each other.
What's the difference between wavy hair and curly hair? Don't they look very similar to each other?
Wavy hair is more like a (S) .. Curls .. are more like my hair ... Ringletts
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