i am really scared that they will look horrible and they are soo perminent.they either look good or bad. are they a bad idea??
Ive got curly/wavy hair and want straight across bangs?
you can never know unless you try..
if you don't like it then you can just move them to the side
Ive got curly/wavy hair and want straight across bangs?
as soon as u take a shower
they go back to being curley
so go for it
its like magic
Ive got curly/wavy hair and want straight across bangs?
no; they are actually a really cute idea. and you dont have to straighten them every day, just pin them back sometimes. i think they are adorable; my friennd has them and they are soo cute lol. if you do try to moisturize your hair (if you straighten your bangs every day) with honey shampoo and avacado. mask your hair for 15 minutes then wash out!
Ive got curly/wavy hair and want straight across bangs?
If I were you, I would try just a little bit of a bang to see how you like it, you can always get more cut. If you hate it, you can just pin them back or to the side for awhile until they grow out more.
Ive got curly/wavy hair and want straight across bangs?
With curly/wavy hair the bangs won't be straight across and they will look a bit odd.
Ive got curly/wavy hair and want straight across bangs?
I think it's definitely a bad idea unless you want to straighten them every day- which probably wouldn't work because sometimes it's humid or it rains which just makes your hair wavy again. And wavy straight-across bangs look terrible. But you could get longer side bangs, they would look fine with wavy hair!
Ive got curly/wavy hair and want straight across bangs?
i've got curly hair with straight across bangs.
personally, when i want to wear them down, i just straighten them...
and they're not permanent, btw.
you can always push them to the side, or back with a headband or clip.
i'm on a new computer, so i don't have any examples of what they look like straight across, but here i am with them pushed to the side:
Ive got curly/wavy hair and want straight across bangs?
I have wavy-ish hair and I used to have bangs like that. They looked okay on me but they made me look soo young. I'm 20 years old but I get mistaken to be younger all the time, and my hair back then was so childish and dorky that people would ask "What grade are you in?" It was embarrassing.
Ive got curly/wavy hair and want straight across bangs?
ok im 13 and i wanted to see if ill look good with bangs
so i did a stupid thing and cut them
i hate it because my bangs get curly when u cute it to short
and i dont have the right face shape
and it looks really bad on me
so i kep them swept to the side
and my parents still didnt find out
Ive got curly/wavy hair and want straight across bangs?
It depends on how curly/wavy your hair is. If you have tight curls, then straight bangs will look odd. Also, constantly straightening your hair is bad for it.
Ive got curly/wavy hair and want straight across bangs?
I suggest that before you make that hairstyle permanent (or for a few months) you should test it out. If you like it, then make it permanent. If you don't, you'll be glad that you tested it out first.
Ive got curly/wavy hair and want straight across bangs?
I have Curly/Wavy hair and my bangs are like that.
I don't even have to straighten them.
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